Impact Report
rsm's Impact
> Integrated solutions for the middle market


tax strategies

At RSM, the first-choice advisor experience is how we differentiate ourselves and stand out in the middle market. We invest heavily in the development of our tax professionals, immersing them in the technical specialties, digital capabilities and industry-focused knowledge that not only helps to support rewarding careers but also instills confidence in the clients we serve.

A compelling experience

We understand that the power of delivering a compelling client experience does not rest with one individual at RSM. It is our collective, collaborative approach to client service that allows us to exceed expectations. Our client relationship teams have a deep-rooted understanding of each industry they serve and are positioned to address any unique situation.

“RSM's tax team has been incredibly valuable over the last five to six years in [working] with our very fast-growing company in areas such as lease accounting guidance, acquisition planning, tax planning and analysis, and family tax consulting. The team always goes above and beyond not only to deliver direct service but to provide the insight and explanations necessary to drive important initiatives and insights forward with key stakeholders.”

– RSM client

A compelling experience also goes beyond the client relationship. This year’s Tax in Motion Summit with dedicated sessions on private client, international, and state and local taxation, to legislative policy events and actions around the impacts of section 174 of the IRS code, positioned RSM as a sought-after resource for tax information and insights.

In addition, changes made to section 174 in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 left countless businesses in a tough spot having to reassess their overall research and development strategies. Over the last year, RSM’s Washington National Tax professionals have helped business leaders understand and navigate these challenges and RSM has served as a leading voice in Washington, D.C., to raise awareness of the impact section 174 has on innovation.

A digital approach

Tax technology is a hallmark of RSM’s ability to provide clients with key insights and actionable business intelligence. Through our use of proprietary technology like PartnerSightTM, CorporateSightTM and the securities-centric TRαDE platform for portfolio managers, our tax professionals continue to transform the client experience by offering human insights powered by technology.

Internally, we use technology to optimize how our teams work together, creating a seamless approach across our firm, regardless of team or line of business. Whether automating processes around statements of work and authorizations, protecting client data and privacy, or simply ensuring our people have access to the tools, resources and information they need each day, our digital transformation has elevated what it means to be a first-choice advisor.

Investments in operational technologies such as tax workbooks and SurePrep have helped to standardize our approach to tax services, support cross-platform integration and drive greater efficiency across the firm.

A global mindset

We understand there are no geographic barriers to how we provide tax services and bring the full power of our firm to clients. Our goal is to connect the right people to the right clients at any time.

We have optimized our team in ways that strengthen our ability to quickly deploy professionals with the right insight and experience to meet any client scenario or need.

This includes the buildout of our India team. With seasoned tax practitioners who have a deep understanding of U.S. and international taxation, mergers and acquisitions, and specialty areas, we’ve cemented our place as a global tax services leader of the middle market.

About the Report

Report Sections

Our culture is a powerful competitive advantage
RSM double downs on commitment to sustainability
Helping our clients and people navigate current challenges while looking to the future
Expanding the impact of diversity and inclusion
Acting as trusted stewards of our communities
A clear focus on environmental sustainability
Portrait of Ty Beasley RSM